
Coming Soon!

Fight Song

Game Overview

Box Art

Are you a football fan, a member of the marching band or a cheerleader? Do you get depressed when football season ends and you have no team to cheer or fight song to play? Sure, you could cheer for another sport, but do you really want to?

Great News!

Fight Song is the perfect game to keep you occupied during the off-season. And it comes without all the sweaty men, refs making bad calls, and annoying announcers. Plus you don't have to brave the sweltering heat of the early part of the season or the frigid temps of the latter part. You and a partner compete against another team of 2 players to see who can out-cheer, out-play or out-air horn the other team.

The game is easy to learn, family-friendly and quick to play!

Teams earn base points (up to 6 per team) per round by matching the corners of an activity card with the gameplay cards in their hand. For every 6 base points you earn, your team earns the opportunity to score an extra point with a fight song round. The first team to reach 28 points is the winner!

The game includes 96 game cards, measuring 2.5" square, instructions, and comes in a tuck box for easy storing.

Number of Players: 2 to 4

Appropriate for Ages: 13+

Time to Play: 15 to 25 minutes

Full instructions and printable scoring sheets are available to download by clicking the buttons below.

Check out the game in our Online Shop for more information and to purchase the game!



Download Instructions Printable Scorecards